Here are a few pics for my second photo update for March 2014. I’m sure with the nicer weather just around the corner, future updates will feature a bunch more photos. I’m personally loving the longer days (later sunlight). Anyways, enjoy these photos for now, and of course keep checking back, as you know I’m…
Tag: #streetart
Sneak’s March 2014 Picture Update | Part 1
Well, seems like I start all my photo posts off the same way – apologizing for this not being posted sooner. :/ Anyways, some of these pics are from late 2013 that I forgot to include in past posts, but most are from 2014. Hopefully you guys have been enjoying all the updates in 2014…
Sneak’s February 2014 Picture Update
Happy 2014. I hope the new year has been good to all of you. Sorry it’s been a while since my last photo update. It’s been freezing out there, and I’ve been busy with life, and helping Myke in the redesign of KeepSix. Lots of new updates over the past month, so if this is…
Sneak’s December 2013 Pic Update – Part 1
A little late with the first update of December 2013, but better late than never. Hope you’re all staying warm out there, as it continues to be frigid. These 35 photos are obviously from when it was much warmer outside. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, all that stuff. I’ll hopefully get another photo update posted before…
Sneak’s November 2013 Pic Update – Part 3
Hey everybody. It seems like winter has officially arrived! Seemed like one week it was decent, then boom, one snowfall, and it’s winter. Ah well, it was inevitable… Here are some pics from the past month or so. Enjoy the third photo update for November 2013. -Sneak (Be sure to check out the other page…