This was an idea Myke and I had been having for too long, and finally, we got the wheels in motion. Word spread fairly quickly, as a bunch more people showed up than what I was originally expecting. The powers of social media I suppose.
Anyways, big thanks to Jerko for giving Mike and I the kick in the pants we needed to finally do this. Of course big shout-outs to everybody that came out – Space, Clev, Reagan, Jerk, Ment, Poser, Cens, Agen & Snikr… It was a great time.
I hope you all liked the food that was churned out. I did what I could, with what I had (thanks for the grill Ment!!).
Anyways, it was such fun that I think we’re going to do it again soon. If people are interested in joining for the next one, message Myke or myself, and we’ll fill you in on the details!
Great mini BBQ jam!